June 14, 2016

Ramadhan with new status

hi there...

I know, it's been couple months I didnt write here. Yeah, because *I think it is not important if I said I was busy*.

So I want to describe all of my bussiness lately. Since 1 month age, I accepted as Math tutor in Shinkenjuku from Benesse Corporation. I work part time. Yeah, I thought that working part time is good, because I am waitung for Trisakti University. 

Forgot to tell about my recruitment in Trisakty. So, April I did recruitment in Trisakty University as a Lecturer in Architecture and Civil Department. In May, I accepted an email that I was accepted as lecturerr buuuuut.....as a back up. So they explain about the situation and I have to wait till the mid of June. So here I am. In the middle of hanging by the decision that I dont even know. 

Yeah, being a lecturer is my dream. My close friend told me to do the last thing, PRAY. Hard pray can convince our belief. So, whether the decision good or worst *hit the table*, I will accept my destiny and try another thing to do. 

I am not a hypocrite, I want it so bad. Because I need a regular job and regular salary to continue my life and my career. 

Now, I calm and patient wait the decision. 

Another news, me and my hubby went to Giant extra and we choosed a sweing machine. Cant wait to see my little baby come home and accompany me to make our cute handmade *eaa*

This ramadhan, I have mnay things to wait, ya? Hmm...I wish my patient can get payback. 

life is a big airport to wait every decision to pursue our dreams. I believe it. 


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